Wednesday, January 20, 2010

And So It Ends.

This is it.The last of the practicals ended today.
And as expected, the few hours after the practical were pretty, shall I say, intense. People, people everywhere. Clusterfucks in all directions and as far as the eye could see. Its not that I have anything against people.. Its just that I can't stand clusterfucks.

As I was leaving the Numerical Techniques lab, my mind came up with yet another formula. Its totally provable and I challenge anyone (in my college) to come up with any argument against it. Let 'm' be the number of boys you have as your friends. Let 'n' be the number of girls. Let 'j' be the number of holidays ahead of you. Let 'k' be the number of what I call 'psychological plan counter variables' (PPCV, more on this later). Let 'z' be the total number of possible trips that can be planned from your present location and time. Then, the probability of a plan actually being realized is given by: p(p)=((m/n)*n!)/((k^3)*(j+z))

Yeah.. thats that. I realized today that coming back home to Fallout 3 ain't so bad after all.

I also shot a number of video clips today.. all part of my grand plan to shoot an entire movie in the campus. I'm lucky to have some great actors around me. But most people outside my college won't find anything of interest in this movie cause its based upon fictional and non-fictional characters, stories and affairs unique to HCST..

The weather just keeps on getting better and better. Its the kind of weather that makes me want to go to Chittor and Amber with 'In Xanadu' with me.. But thats just me. Rajasthan is beautiful in this weather. Mewar, Jaipur, Jaisalmer, Udaipur...probably the best cities in India. And Ujjain is beautiful too.. Glorious histories these places have had..

It can get pretty boring some days but what the fuck do I care.. right? I'm supposed to be the fucking bicentennial man.. an android right? I can't love or hate.. right? I'm supposed to be the fucking spectator and the guy who comes up with the wacky ideas.. right?

Its amazing how many people, with hardly an iota of fucking gray matter find it fit to rule out judgement. They're not supposed to. But out of their own stupidity, they fail to realize this. They're too busy with their slapstick comedy of a life with supposedly immense emotional depth and trauma (EDT). Need I say that there's no EDT to be found there.. just a series of bad jokes.

Also, I'm writing a short story.. Its on love and life, in general. I intended it to be a comedy but instead, its turning out to be something of a tragedy. The lead character's not the villain..and not the hero either. He's a smorgasbord of emotions.. of conflicting thoughts. Here's an extract: ".. The people I like tend to fall for stereotypical lovers.. which I'm most certainly not. But I've realized that the people I like don't have to like me.. And its done a world of good for me.." ..

Who knows how this'll pan out. Perhaps I'll merge the movie with this story. And then we'll have an epic on our hands. A real, scary epic.

And then, it will end.