Saturday, April 17, 2010

And Finally I post in April..

Its been a long, long time since I last posted here. You see, this isn't a very public blog. That is, only very few people are aware of this page. And, as such, this isn't my daily log. So I don't post the details of my routine and life here. What this is, what Singh Sid Singh actually is, is a kind of scrapbook for my mind. A white board for my imagination, an outlet for my creative energies. Or maybe not. In short, I post when I want to. And that is why this blog is not updated as frequently as some of my pals would like it to be.

I last posted here on my birthday, the 25th of March. It was an awesome birthday. We had two crazy parties on the 26th and 27th, and I've got some crazy pics of the events.

And not long after my birthday parties, we had the cultural and technical fests of our college and Anand Engineering College, 'Gyan Jyoti' and 'Cerebrum' and as usual, I didn't miss any opportunity to click a photograph. So, here are some more photos for you to see.

And, in the time interval between this post and the last one, I also managed to create two videos, 'Doesn't Remind Me' and 'Alchemy'. I've embedded them below. Now, the total number of videos I've created is five: 'Semestereel', 'B & W', 'Frost', 'Doesn't Remind Me', and finally, 'Alchemy'.. All of these have been greatly appreciated by my pals, but it is I who should thank them for providing me with such insane photographs and videos... Rest assured, many more videos are in the pipeline.. :)

All of my videos can be seen on my Vimeo page.

Some of my pals believe that my videos are rife with symbolism. That 'all my secrets can be found in these videos' (their words, not mine). Well, intentionally or unintentionally, these videos may contain some semblance of hints and secrets but thats not the point, is it? The point is to enjoy these videos for what they are for everyone else, great memories with some great music.

And, since then, we've had our examinations and we've witnessed the burning of our beloved khokhas by a stray sutta (!)..

Thats all that I can write now before dozing off but the next post will definitely come up quicker.. Enjoy'


  1. Dude, i never knew you had a blog.Yeah, you did tell me long back and that too quite lightly :)..

    HeLL yEa, aWesOme hAi yAar.The lingO uSed iS sO aWesoMEly cOol anD i lOve tHe iNnocEnce iN tHe tExt,tHe fLOw iS sO sPEctAculAr, iT mAkes mE rEalise hOw deeP yOur bRain goEs iNto tHInking shIt tHat's wRitten tHEre :D...NoW m nOt kIddiN aRse!!

    ReAlly, this is one of the best blogs i aV eVEr bEen tHrough, thE sImplICity mAkeS mE wONder!!


  2. amazing.. sid.. if i don't comment it doesnt mean i hav'nt read.. or dat i dont want 2.. its just dat i'm not able 2.. wid d sort of net in our lib. u just keep blogging.. ur gr8 at it!!
