Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Of new semesters, and families and more...

Tomorrow is the first day of the eighth semester.
Its an unusually 'cheery' time to be in college. The weather, the journey all played spoilsport in the previous seven semesters. But not this time; they're all part of the plan.
My camera, my books, my dog and a decent internet connection; an assortment of friends, every shape and size. This is our eighth semester.

The Jaipur Literature Festival, with Ms.Bhutto and compulsory registration is almost here. Maybe I'll go cause one can never really get enough of Amber and Jaipur. They're right there; they've always been there for us. And only those people who truly love the city, and I'm not talking about people who live or study there cause I know people who've lived there for almost all of their lives and still don't see and love it like I do.

I love my family, and my cousin's family (cause they really aren't my family) and all the other branches. But one complaint that I have had since quite some time is that over all the ego, and the fighting, and the reconciliation sessions, and the weddings and whatnot, the family tends to believe as if their best time is behind it now. The houses, in their state of decline and peeling paints; the cows, hopelessly outdated; the dogs, nary a dog to be seen but the sign still stands, "Kutto se saawdhaan". The elders love to speak about a time when there were dogs abound, and cows enough for a dairy right there in our homes in the middle of Agra. This repulses me. They don't get it. We're still the same, even better and richer off than before but they fail to see it. Appreciate it.
Ours is a proud family and we have prospered even when my forefathers had naught but pride to hang on to. Wake the fuck up. Stand firm and stand straight.

In other news, my cousin had this incredible idea and she started posting stuff that she wants in her life. Now you may not be a believer but that is a textbook exercise of The Secret and I like it. I might even do the same. In fact, I will do it. What do I want? A Landrover Defender, like the ones they use in African Savannahs to study Lions, a tripod, a pet wolf (Is there even such a thing as a 'pet' wolf ?  A labrador will suffice), a trip to New Zealand and Europe, the Ascent of Man, and lots more.

This is going to be a great semester but importantly, there are going to be some great holidays *after* the semester. Hindustan College is always there and no doubt, this sem will see some great pranks, and great plans, and great food, and great pals. Also, some vicious mates, and quite a few shitstorms over trivial issues, perverted clusterfucks, and in general, people too idiotic to live their own life and not interfere. Too bad. Undeterred, we march ahead. Cheers' :-) 


  1. I love this post Sid! It's so positive! Have a really awesome semester and if I haven't said it already, Congratulations for your placement! :)

    P.S. We should meet once before you leave :)

  2. Thanku Astha! :)

    And don't worry.. still a whole semester to go before I leave; will meet definitely..

  3. Hey sid.. Nice one.. As always :) best wishes fr u last sem.. Enjoy!! N ya.. Luking fwd 2 'after' sem, only if all goes well here.. Do make sum plans.. We were thinking of a road trip 2 leh-ladhak.. Wassay? -shubham
